Over the following decades they spread to a wide range of other movie formats and even nowadays you can find them on CCTV or industrial cameras. Production of C-Mount lenses started almost 100 years ago, when they were introduced for 16mm Bell & Howell movie cameras. C-Mount lenses – What are they and how to use them? So, when a friend offered me his bundle of random C-Mount lenses, of course I was more than happy to add them to my collection. Not really caring if they will have any real use for them or how does it make sense to have five different 35mm lenses for the same mount. And then there are people like me, slowly gathering an unreasonable range of cheap and often questionable lenses.
Others carefully plan out their lens purchases, making sure they get the best tools for different scenarios. Some people get the one amazing lens and spend years learning how to use it to its maximum potential.